Why You Should Try Xerox Solutions for Your SMB

document scanning

Xerox solutions for SMBs can fundamentally change the way your organization processes information and interacts with customers and business partners. With 65% of businesses making the switch to digital solutions, it’s time for your organization to get on board.

Start With Your Most Paper-Dependent Processes

For most companies, paper dependency is organization-wide. Knowing where to begin is half the battle.

Revenue flows

Invoices and billing are often paper-based, and without a document scanning and document management solution, these processes just generate more paper. Xerox solutions that replace paper-based procedures with digitization can eliminate the paper chase, turning labor-intensive processes into streamlined, automated digital workflows.

Customer service

Your customers have digitized many facets of their personal and even professional lives. If you haven’t, they’re going to notice and wonder if you’re still in the game. Xerox solutions eliminate the time wasted searching for paper documents. Your customers will notice and appreciate it when your team can deliver fast answers to their questions.

Human resources

Human Resources departments deal with a steady inflow of documents, many of which are form-based. A solution that captures and converts paper-based forms and routes information to the correct location can save hours of manual data entry. The same solution can also protect confidential employee information from falling into the wrong hands.

Reap the Benefits

Here’s a rundown of the most sought-after advantages of digital processes:

  • Reduced operating costs —Faster processes and fewer resources to complete them results in an overall reduction in operating expenses.
  • Increased productivity — Team members can spend more time on value-added projects and less time moving paper from one desk to another.
  • Enhanced information security —Your documents contain a wealth of information. Let Xerox help you protect it.

Ready to find out more about Xerox solutions for SMBs? Contact us at Indiana Business Solutions today!

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